See the brands we helped build...

Meta Quest
Oculus is the world leading VR headset redefining gaming, entertainment and fitness.
Tempo provides a home workout experience that feels like having your own dedicated personal trainer, complete with evaluation of your form, counting reps and more.

The Round Barn Labs team tested a variety of targeting and creative combinations to drive nearly 5,000 new customers at a cost much lower than their previous efforts. This exceeded Nextdoor’s goal by 17% and yielded a Return On Ad Spend of 4:1.
Users Reached: 5.2 Million
ROAS: 4:1
Exceeded client North Star Metric goal by: 17%
Exceeded client CPA goal by:18%

The Round Barn Labs team reached over 5M software engineers using both video and static ads. Over 24 separate copy, image, bid, and targeting tests were conducted with a 65% success rate on experiment hypothesis.
Users Reached: 5.2 Million
ROAS: 4:1
Exceeded client North Star Metric goal by: 17%
Exceeded client CPA goal by:18%

This particular collaboration posting on her site and social media following yielded over $10k in revenue and a 4:1 ROAS. The best part was that it proved out our hypothesis that particular influencers and influencer networks tested could yield a higher % of new customers thansome of ModCloth’s legacy partners.